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for 12 Gauge Trixie


produced, directed, and edited by Macey Keung



directed and edited by Macey Keung


This transgressive experimental film challenges traditional gender roles and societal norms by rejecting the traditional and sexualized portrayal of women through exploring primal and animalistic behavior. The film depicts two girls devouring fruit with their bare hands, spreading juice all over each other’s bodies with striking sensuality. By doing so, the film questions the conventional understanding of what it means to be a human, and more specifically, the conventions of what it means to be a woman, versus what separates us from animals.

This film invites viewers to confront their own relationship to gender, sexuality, and the human body. By rejecting traditional narrative structures, idealized portrayals of the female body, and ultimately, embracing primal and animalistic behavior, the film challenges the viewer to engage with the discomfort of the raw and visceral aspects of the human experience that women have been traditionally been shamed for by mainstream media.


written, directed, edited, and produced by Macey Keung

distributed by Antifragile Zine 2022

This is an experimental comedy film about radical femininity and taking up spaces traditionally dominated by men. In this retro-futuristic film, a group of femme and non-binary skaters plot a mission to obliterate the corporate cockalorums that dominate their world.

As a young woman of color as well as a passionate skater, the “professional” world and the skate world are two spaces I often feel I am not taken seriously in. I wanted to create a film that shed light on this topic in a fun and lighthearted way, approaching the film with an experimental lens. The film starts out as more of a narrative, but eventually becomes self aware and ultimately overcomes itself, as the making of the film is equally about the act of taking up space in the skate park and in the workspace as marginalized individuals.

official selection:

Les Femmes Underground International Film Festival 2022

1 of 23 shorts chosen from over 5,000 submissions worldwide!


UC San Diego Film Festival 2022

Kamil Media Awards 2022

UNPOP San Diego Short Film Festival



Honorable Mention at Kamil Media Awards 2022


directed by Macey Keung


This is an experimentation about the function of art and our innate role as artists. I’ve been thinking a lot about how my work is so intrinsically tied to addressing contemporary issues, simply because I am a creator who identifies as a queer woman of color. I read a passage from a riot grrrl zine recently about how non-men have to be vulnerable in order for society to deem it as “good” art - we don’t get a choice. Sometimes I feel as though, if I’m not attempting to make art to challenge societal norms, what is the point? Is it even my inherent purpose/my job to express this? Art created by queer women of color or non-men seems to be held to a higher standard in contrast to men who have the freedom and opportunity to create anything and have it to succeed without necessarily having to dig deeper or be vulnerable. But how can my art exist from a lens which isn't mine, if my experience is all I know?

showcased at:

Kamil Media Awards 2023

UNPOP San Diego Short Film Festival 2023

directed by Sally Tran

Director's Assistant: Macey Keung

DON’T is a 14-minute narrative short film that celebrates femme and genderqueer identities. The film’s empowering narrative centers on a female character and depicts the triumphs of solidarity and ambition with kick-ass moves and visual effects and four Asian Languages.

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